Library and Education Collaborators

The American Archive of Public Broadcasting (AAPB) collaborates with educational and cultural organizations across the nation, as well as libraries and archives to share in the effort of providing access to historic records. The AAPB is pleased to collaborate with the following organizations:

Digital Public Library of America

The Digital Public Library of America amplifies the value of libraries and cultural organizations as Americans’ most trusted sources of shared knowledge. The AAPB has made items searchable in the DPLA, and you can find historic items from the AAPB in their primary source sets.

National Council for the Social Studies

The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) is the largest professional association in the country devoted solely to social studies education. The mission of NCSS is to advocate and build capacity for high-quality social studies by providing leadership, services, and support to educators.

National History Day

National History Day offers a year-long national research competition that engages over half a million middle and high school students around the world annually in conducting original research on historical topics of interest. Visit the AAPB National History Day page for more information on the NHD theme for 2020-2021, ‘Communication in History: The Key to Understanding’.

National Humanities Center

The AAPB is contributing resources to the Humanities in Class Digital Library, an online portal provided by the National Humanities Center. The portal provides access to instructional resources and scholarly materials in support of humanities education. Resources are tagged by subject matter, topics, and material type, making it easy to discover and combine openly available content for educators.

PBS Learning Media

PBS LearningMedia provides educational resources produced by public media and targeted specifically for educators. High-quality content is tied to Common Core and national curriculum standards and is freely available to all educators as a basic service. The AAPB and PBSLM are working together to match resources in PBSLM with full-length and related archival programs and original materials made available in the AAPB Online Reading Room.

Professional Learning and Outreach Initiatives Office, Library of Congress

The AAPB is collaborating with the Professional Learning and Outreach Initiatives Office at the Library of Congress (LOC) to explore possible ways to link relevant primary and secondary public radio and television resources in the AAPB on existing primary source sets or other teacher resources on

Share My Lesson

The award-winning Share My Lesson platform was created by the American Federation of Teachers and The Times Educational Supplement (TES) Global in 2012. Share My Lesson provides high-quality and effective lesson plans and professional development resources. The AAPB staff has provided downloadable resources and an informational webinar on using primary sources for distance learning.

Society for Cinema and Media Studies

Aca-Media Podcast The Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) is a leading scholarly organization in the United States dedicated to promoting a broad understanding of film, television, and related media through research and teaching grounded in the contemporary humanities tradition. The SCMS podcast Aca-Media offers an academic perspective on media and co-collaborates on the AAPB “Presenting the Past” podcast.