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you our kansas heritage program number one three to one fortune was kansas named our afternoon was candace payne although the answer at the end of this program he'd race zieba lose as a rich and varied heritage averse people here were indians who gave the state's name and provided mainstream places within the state and some people have claimed that the unions were here first because they had reservations and they got here is when you told me because they couldn't get their grain straight there were many eastern tribes move to kansas because it was thought that white people probably were going here in the great american desert a chronicler
with the lewis and clark expedition of eighteen for removal and it is now kansas these words this country met with propriety call the deserts of north america were not conceiving particularly settlers it is deficient or in war silliman a retired army officer and explore improv kansas and eighteen six we wrote on the reverse kansas will play arkansas on their various branches it appears to be the only possible injuries are limited population other banks these vast plains the western hemisphere many common time is celebrated as the sandy desert of africa a few years later other army officers teenage long expedition through the region and wrote about it this extensive section of country is almost wholly unfit for cooperation and uninhabitable by people depending on agriculture for subsistence after his expedition stephen long drew a map of the region of which much of the land is now kansas was labeled great american desert the first white man to come to kansas so far as we know were spent years looking for cool finding all the new talk or now there
were big goal here was killed for telling lies about kansas and elsewhere should be a lesson anyone tempted to exaggerate the virtues of the state that or not when others gave favorable reports on the way the store was most suitable even faster growing all parts of spain for besides being rich and what you say it is well water another member of his expedition declared a career and which is what the spaniards call kansas he said this country has a five years the like of which i've never seen anywhere it's not your country but what amazes planes drivers of five quarters of the belief that it will be productive of all sorts of commodities he later spanish expedition to kansas and sixteen one produced this report the cornstarch restore those abused they needed some places even taller land was so far leave a record just been harvested there was a second crop about six inches there were many beans and some collaborations and plum trees between the planet feels these were irrigated field that depend on seasonal rains which as we learned must be very regular in that way anglo americans were praising the prospects of kansas and after the image of the
great american desert have been proposed eighteen twenty fourteen a missionary i think the court room about eastern kansas these words iris nothing and supposing that knows their territory universes attractive people extend fertility so little broken by lance not doable in eighteen forty nine charles ray robinson who later became the first governor of kansas passed through kansas on his way to california and wrote the parade seems to be an endless succession of roles with the smooth green service start all over with the most beautiful flowers the soyuz of the most rigid for a character with no wage les wisner all reactions to the land which is now kansas and the controversy continues and this is a desert canvases at our opening just continue his veins of our history literature and folklore the great task of kansas on stairs was to turn the desert into a garden and that has been proclaimed their great accomplishment the kansas quiz for this time was from was kansas named the answer is the cans in india
you've been listening to the audience you're a vw allah for more information about your internet users' content your local library during graham by high plains public radio and here's buildings kansas heritage program number two coming in three two one who was the first non european to visit kansas are the answer the end of this program he'd always good zieba lose boysen cultural diversity is some of which appear in congress and others aren't
contradictory which makes it difficult to categorize people and their history free tuition has been made about kansas an opposite example it failed the state has a longstanding image problem too often viewed as very hard and dry with furious tornadoes that can sweep isn't your winner gets into beautiful places far away from home kansas is one of the larger states in an area that one of the smallest states in population kansas so was the first part of the region to be visited by european explorers that kansas was among the last of the midwestern states to be settled the settlement nation leapfrog from missouri to the far west to oregon and california and drop their way to fill in the gaps in the middle of the continent because of the geographical position at the center of a contiguous united states kansas was a crossroads for almost everyone and everything getting farther west kansas was a crossroads for the overland trails to the southwest oregon california it was a crossroads for the railroads kansas eventually had more
miles of railroad track and service than any other state the same was true of modern highways with only texas having more miles and service for most people it's still a crossroads something that must be endured to get someplace else or just coloradans to live in a state where most people are sometimes even reluctantly passing through its own stopping the crossroads image as well as the reality has affected the people who reside here some felt shamed that their state has such a negative image beyond its borders and others expressed a smug private there are noticeable and with its purr you know the climate and people with their industriousness and sense of responsibility we're free from the crowds of tourists and sightseers during the first test interesting kansans often believe there was a higher purpose or ideal cause a mission in their behavior which may be a lot more than just ordinary lives and work over two hundred miles and two centuries removed from new england puritans
kansans were direct heirs of the puritan desire to improve the world and serve as examples to change others who hadn't yet seen the truth when kansans had a cause be a free state abolition prohibition populism or women's suffrage they enjoy the feelings of superior ideals and improving the lives of those less fortunate less informed at the same time however their work kansans is primaries were materialistic greig who had no interest in reform and considered the do gooders to be quite some troublemakers who interfered with the enjoyment of me it was senators came to kansas to obtain lane the prime force in the settlement of a nation that many came to sell more a question of whether it would be a slave or free state the kansas questioning the people there designed to think of slavery forced a reorganization of national parties created the republican party a midwesterner abraham lincoln an essential boost were the presidency and split the union and two sections which made a civil war inevitable believing their cause was just kansans interpreted a union victory in the civil war
as confirmation of their self righteous ideals and nation and also kansas has been perhaps the least typical states and yet as a reservoir of middle class midwestern liberal values kansas is one of the most difficult parts of the midwest from a national perspective kansas says and then most important creating during the nineteenth century and tended to follow my dream part of the president a century these are in some views of outsiders using kansas is backward and stagnant and its conservatism but since the nineteen fifties when much of the rest of the nation seen new direction and stability those qualities were example barton recognized in kansas that's as with many other things that can be said about kansas is no land of contrasts that was for today was who was the first non european to visit kansas and the answer as cora know you've been listening to our series and lou oliver for more information about the heritage of kansans content to allow her in
paramus new zealander in gram of high plains public radio and pure steel pins kansas heritage program number three coming in three two one one of the two main battlegrounds of the kansas characters find the answer at the end of this program he'd always good zero zero zero came here primarily for lane and economic wellbeing was important to the
people that kansans carried away and a strong religious faith and strong desire that their children receive a good education it was a time of considerable importance to those people who left everything behind to start life into what was often a harsh environment education was seen as essential for their children so that they would have a better opportunity here instead and although less was said about it they understood that freedom and democratic institutions require informed citizens if they were a government so successfully and preserve precious heritage of human rights established with the founding of the nation the high literacy rate of its citizens testifies to the general effectiveness of kansas education kansas usually ranks first or second in the nation among state university kansans have exemplified in every corporation that was typical in rural communities like in kansas as in other rural areas was closely related to the season's the life cycles of plants and animals
the values of the people were in the western world it is with new england puritanical roots the middle class ideals of family loyalty of hard work frugality in savings honesty neighboring cooperation democracy and the right to enjoy what one has learned these ideals as with all our ideals were more closely followed in practice by standing by others but they remain goals with which few have any rate the rate of this agreement there was a sense of responsibility that extended beyond home and family to embrace neighbors and even strangers who ruined it for quality at the same time there was little respect for privacy and for the nonconformist kansans have traditionally been quite in tower appointed who disagreed with iran there's been a distrust of government in kansas are distressed that seems to increasing proportion to the distance the government is from the community which one who is there's no understanding and kansas state was and remains largely depended
on the federal government for its economic wellbeing federal government provided much of the land at the railroads and other transportation improvements at the education providing military protection during different year period maintain the postal service and subsidized agriculture and selected industries especially since the nineteen thirties and that's the economy of kansas rests largely on federally like much of the far west kansas has received more economic benefits from the federal government and it has paid in federal taxes and yet that image of an independent kansas or bars another of those contradictions there cannot be really explain kansas farmers have been forced to choose whether farming was a business or way of life meanwhile the family farm has become part of them is perpetuated in the popular mind even the policies of governments as a major ingredient has been a major ingredient at least fourteen but the kansas character is a kansas character and its roots are
founded in the western world traditions of hard work and struggle in the face of adversity frugality practicality individualism democracy and even environmental responsibility wastefulness is probably result of living in a land of abundance and also the roots of the marathon begins as character are found in puritanism which also emphasized individualism democracy conformity and middle class ideals and a feeling of security because who is this time was what are going to be back here you've been listening to here very very
religious and kansas heritage remember forthcoming in three two one who was responsible for making hard red winter wheat the staple crop of kansas the answer at the end of this program ways ways oh zero zero all kansas anymore portion of foreign born population than many other states unless social liberalism than most of the rest of the nation kansas has had a rich ethnic heritage the melting pot of allergy seems much less
descriptive of kansas and as a salvo in age one in which the ingredients have not lost their identity while contributing to the hole the first people in kansas were as we know the indians there were indians here in prehistoric times in kansas archaeology has revealed me those cold tears that were present long before european sound but at the time of european so after there were many unions residing in kansas including the cans a tribe after which the state was named and also the river long which they lived the kansas river car river the other tribes that were found in kansas by europeans included the wichita as the party is those ages and in western kansas the cheyenne arapaho comanche empire with her arms the first europeans to visit kansas so far as we know we're the spanish beginning with corn oil in fifteen forty one a number of spanish expeditions came to kansas after that date and while that have been established prime permanent settlement in kansas there is a spanish heritage in kansas two the first
lesson in kansas was a french for a tree posed for car was located approximately five miles north of work or leavenworth stands today and his friends arrived from seventeen point or seventy sixty three and we can dredge fur traders and also a prohibition to kansas the traitors were prohibited from trading with the indians and some say this was the beginning of kansas prohibition there is a french heritage later french settlement s don't know that you'd itself through the production of silk the german heritage of kansas is present throughout the state and the germans from russia of all the germans brought their culture religions including kathy luther and mennonite to several kansas counties mccarthy of pennsylvania gets re rendering german so at abilene one of their descendents named eisenhower became president of the united states betty carter with more open to making at one continues to perpetuate the heritage of the swedes
including the art of the years since then and the annual production of the messiah lansbury has devoted himself to the maintenance of the sweet charity game can sense the blackberry just found a giddiness and in topeka leavenworth morrison fort scott and if it misses an ep mccain became kansas state auditor the first black elected to major state office in the beginning was produced an outstanding musician and composer lorenzo for the supreme court decision his audience every issue in public schools in the united states resolved from is originating and peter the mexican heritage in kansas is closely associated with the railroads and later with migrant farm workers and there's a croatian heritage our story on kansas city and english heritage at victoria and rainy there's a bohemian heritage it was in london and cuba and there's a jewish heritage in kansas and more recently there has been a vietnamese heritage in central kansas communities all these groups and others to help
preserve some of their traditions and cultures all of which and ridges and his culture and society the mennonites brought hard red winter wheat and the mailing process is to make use of it making kansas the breadbasket of the nation in the twentieth century the major contribution of kansas in the great wars of the present century has been food production and of course aircraft manufacturing during world war two or ironically now i passed as the sentence of those mennonites who introduced the tree wrigley and making kansas the weak state those presenters were imprisoned for refusing to bear arms during those wars of the twentieth century cantors does have a rich ethnic heritage kansas quest for today was who was responsible for making hard red winter wheat the staple crop of kansas the answer from russia you've been listening to her
if you live or where you are how cancer's heritage program number five come at you in three two one who was the famous notre dame football coach killed in an airplane crash in kansas about the answer at the end of this program he'd always good at zieba lose the nation and wheat production continues to have the
best new military installations at fort leavenworth right has one of the largest aircraft and estuaries in the world in wichita and he's best known among people outside the state is the great place where dorothy lived before she and total were transported to the land of oz which was everything that kansas was not kansas does attract national attention for its sometimes bizarre whether judges tornadoes blizzards droughts and flaws including the great blizzard of nineteen eighty six that nineteen twelve and those of nineteen fifty eight nineteen eighty seven draw such as those of eighteen fifty nine sixty or the nineteen thirties great flood citizens of nineteen three in nineteen fifty one and kansas address racial tension for bizarre tragedies including the destruction of lawrence by william sequence of freighters brings a war what the death of notre dame football coach named rodney your migration insisted he was arranging nineteen thirty one or bizarre crimes such as the multiple murders of innocent guest at the table but
john bender family near parsons during the eighteen seventies what the structure of the ballgame at coffee ago at ninety two after they recently rob both banks there where there are quite a family by perry smith and richard hagar your vocal in western kansas in nineteen fifty nine which was detailed and truman capote he's in cold blood in a best selling book and movie but kansas has a garden of eden which is an unusual example of folk art look at lucas' at town named paradise just a few miles from the guardian susanna laura salter one of you was the first woman to be elected in at least seven to the office of merit any town in the united states and suddenly are going is not had another woman mayor saints a kansas woman the novelist margaret your carter was the first woman to address the republican national convention that was in nineteen twenty five percent of a crime why indie achieved national fame for his public health and sanitation program in the early nineteen hundreds while serving as the executive secretary of the state board of
health his campaigns to swat a fly and don't spit on the sidebar also against the common drinking all help to stop the spread diseases they inspired the invention of the flies for the disposable paper drinking cut and raise public awareness of the close relationship and sanitation and health combine produced a federal bill that was adopted in kansas in nineteen seventy and it served as a model for other states and later for the national food and drug act are james naismith invented basketball was on the step at the university of kansas they can just a just war when the world's heavyweight title boxing title from jack johnson in nineteen fifteen and lost it to jack dempsey four years later war big train johnson of humboldt one of the great baseball pitchers led the washington senators to victory over the new york giants in the nineteen twenty four world series and says producer or mile run record holders including when cunningham
archie center money senior engineer lisanti and you're my award winning kansas playwright william inge route pygmy the stop the dark at the top of the stairs and splendor in the grass nationally known actors with kansas origins include fred stone who was a scarecrow in the wizard of arms and no one stone was dark on tvs gunsmoke said in keynes's vivian vance was lucille ball stranded i love lucy and other actors include dennis hopper and edward asner another kansan was america's best known circus clown emmett kelly the foundation which draws aircraft industry was lead by quite a cessna boeing stearman ian where giamatti and walter beach that many years a debate i'm a kansas a leader in the field of mental health the moment you use that girard was a pioneer in paper down books the famous little blue books which sold for example an interest rate literature and great ideas to millions of people throughout the nation and kansas nave quite tom oliver get
discovered the planet pluto in nineteen thirty so there's more chances than the homeland of dorothy and toto can squeeze for this time was who was the famous notre dame football coach killed in an airplane crash in kansas and the answer is new rock me you've been listening to our games is here for more information on the heritage of kansas wire inserted center in dodge city kansas state historical society and began his crew was produced by reviewing years ago mccann says heritage program number six coming in three two one in what year did constitutional prohibition come to kansas are the answer at the end of this program
he'd always good at zieba lose a variety of images some more controversy over the image problem is a part of the games is heritage there isn't old joke about a twist contest in which first prize is a week's vacation in kansas and second prize is two weeks' vacation in kansas in kansas has been thought of as puritanical conservative who are all very backward and strange as it may seem also radical because of populist movement the struggle for women's suffrage campaigns but many wondered why the kansas legislatures and so many sessions discussing in
passing such issues as prohibition bootlegger by the drain and bingo leave little time to deal with such things as education highways and social issues obviously there are more than a few minutes about cancers even one symbol of kansas the jr is a mythical word all of which makes it more difficult to determine the realities of the kansas heritage prior to settle much of kansas was classified as a great american desert and the struggle for kansas state in the eighteen fifties was a prelude to a civil war which threatened to destroy the kansas was the focal point of the westward expansion of slavery in slave versus free states in the eighteen fifties and kansas entered the union and eighteen sixty one has every state under constitution based on that of ohio kansas for his more troops per capita and her troupe suffered more casualties per capita than those of any other state during the civil war that exhibition of loyalty to the union remain through the wars of the twentieth century
all of kansas was a vocal part of the midwestern isolationism during the nineteen twenties and nineteen thirties as in the rest of the midwest and his way we did not automatically mean pro black in kansas and discrimination was sanctioned after the civil war a kansas was touted as the haven for freed slaves but the reality is the second class citizenship remain in black communities of lawrence my work ford's car bigger and other cities well into the twentieth century though that our school desegregation case brown versus to be toward education nineteen fifty four was foiled in kansas famous black americans with kansas roots included george washington carver langston hughes and gordon parks the latter two wrote novels about growing up black in kansas kansas has a reputation for being flat and portions of it are that has a great range of surface altitude from a low six an atv to hire four thousand and thirty nine feet above sea level and the foothills exhibit a rugged terrain and natural beauty are
unsurpassed by many states the largest remnant of progress for it which once dominated the landscape of most of the midwest is now found in the kansas wind peels sometimes grazing land in the world kansas has the image of a dry state precipitation weisenberger why is it ranks low in annual average rainfall the averages are not nearly so important is the enumeration is in the periodic and unpredictable weather dry cycles kansas has a lot of heart and during the wet cycles and a desert during the dry periods the desert in the garden have been themes in kansas history literature and folklore kansas has few natural lakes that manmade lakes about for flood control for recreation if you provide unlimited drip irrigation but most irrigation water is pumped from underground kansas has been tried otherwise it was the first state in the union to enact constitutional prohibition eighteen at a reform movement that swept other states and eventually the nation's leading to the eighteenth amendment of the us constitution in nineteen ninety when the pendulum swung the other way
kansans resisted constitutional prohibition was sustained in kansas one national review in nineteen thirty three and last in kansas until nineteen forty eight and a constitutional prohibition of the open so it remained in kansas until nineteen eighty six despite the restrictions arkansans produced and consume alcoholic beverages package that was sold for medicinal purposes or drugstores during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries during prohibition so i asked audie cornish are certain midwestern speech he sees as far away as chicago was distilled in kansas won't clubs and little problems mark the self proclaimed purity appliances all these things are going to hurt andrew review images of kansas it can squeeze her today was in what year it cost usually come to kansas and the answer is eighteen again listening to our games is here for more information on users' content to whoever it begins here in sadr
city where the disease reduces so you'd be was produced by her in graham greene's really great you know and kansas heritage gavin number seven coming in three two one what kansans served as vice president of the united states already answered the end of this program he'd always good zero zero uses was
a major issue in the birth of the republican party in the nineteen fifties and that political persuasion has dominated the state since its birth in eighteen sixty one at times especially during the two decades after the civil war kansas politics exhibited the problems usually associated with a one party state including corruption in high places in kansas was at the center of populism and elected more people's party candidates to office in the ag nineties than any other state kansas has produced few national political leaders but some of those have enjoyed reputations greater than the state from which they came john dingell's who helped designed the state seal kansas and contributed the state motto to the stars through difficulty was an outstanding kansas writer and worker who occupied a united states senate seat from making seventy three at ninety one and rose to the position of president pro tem of their body image was replaced by populist because he lost touch with the common people
are kapur kansas newspaperman served as governor and senator and compiled a remarkable record as a kansas politician as did they can trigger is congressman clyburn hope from karnes city kapur and who were leaders of the farm bloc in congress and then much to benefit the nation's farmers truckers a kansas a new service vice president united states under president herbert hoover and this was the highest office ever came by an american indian ancestry and yet curtis was a politician who sold out his own people as has been shown by his barker we run around wichita state university dr john brinkley and goat gland sex rejuvenation center reilly was the founder of a radio style mostly associated later with their way of evangelists and he was a pioneering the use of radio for political campaigning brinkley was denied the governor's office in kansas as an
independent candidate in nineteen thirty even though more people voted for him than either of the major party candidates brinkley lost his license to practice medicine and operate a radio station in kansas and he was the founder of the first one a blaster high powered radio station just across the border in mexico mr alfred m landon one of the most successful governors in the history of cannes is he served from nineteen thirty three to thirty seven was the republican candidate for president and was defeated in the franklin d roosevelt landslide of nineteen thirty six lamb to never again sought public office that you remain one of the most honored statesman in america until he died at the age of one hundred in nineteen eighty seven to his credit governor rendell admirably with that major scandal that his administration the famous are the infamous fame lot of fraud involving friends of the governor and officers of his administration he established a model that could have served later president richard
nixon ronald reagan well if they had been interested in cleaning up rather than covering up the senator's which played their political careers and governments daughter nancy kassebaum was the first woman to be elected to the united states senate on her record dwight d eisenhower although we're in texas was the general and the president from abilene kansas where his remarkable career is still exhibited at the eisenhower museum and the records of his life in times continue to serve scholars of the eisenhower library and his remains rest in the chapel near his boyhood home unraveling these are a few of the kansas politicians can squeeze through this time what can some serve as far as the united states the answer is charles curtis twenty nine for more
information about your internet users' content you alive every city is the historical song radio and here's hoping kansas heritage program and brigade coming in three to one what is the state motto of kansas are the answer the end of his program he'd always good zieba lose col beck are seeking understanding of kansas in a penetrating essay written nineteen can
be cleared that kansas is a state of mind becker was professor of history at kansas university and he reported his experience upon entering the state for the first time by train he wrote i wrote out of kansas city and here for the first time what i've always pictured is going to press operas of year drought and beer and social experimentation it isn't just a hit or two young women girls rather my afterward saudi university as we enter the half open country along the kansas river one of the air turning to her companion with the content side returning exile said dear old kansas i suppose that kansas even more immediately was only geographical expression but not so to understand why people say dear old kansas is to understand the kansas is no mere geographical expression but state of mine by religion and philosophy and law after reciting what he found making out that state of mind
are better concluded with this summary statement the kansas spirit is the american spirit doubled steel it is a new record product of american individualism american idealism american intolerance kansas's american microcosm as american sees itself in respect to europe so kansas conceals itself in respect to america within its borders americanism purity while has a new lee savoy is the mission of the self selected people to see to it that it does not perish from wealthier whiter may alter our neglected elsewhere must ever be replenished in kansas if this is provincialism is adventurism of faith rather than of the province the devotion to the state is a devotion to an ideal not to a territory and then can say dear old kansas because the name symbolizes for them what the motto of the state so well expresses at an stripper asper to the stars through difficulties kenneth davis who wrote a history of kansas for the bicentennial
histories of the state said that you know of no other states in texas were citizens were strongly intensely and personally identify with their state as kansans are with kansas john j ingles the man who wrote the model for the state of kansas wrote making seventy two that people from other states can remove it never desire to return but no genuine kansas can emigrate he may go elsewhere but no other state can claim him as a citizen wants nationalized the allegiance can never before storm using why this was so they've suggested that the landscape in the climate of kansas where it's geography and psychological impact on people the psychological effects has been i think he says to encourage and kansans a somewhat greater reverence for eternal verities a somewhat greater concern for the fundamentals of life and conduct a somewhat more strict and conscientious regard for more right and wrong ms carmen elsewhere wife isn't easy in
kansas and those who survive its extremes become attached to a self righteous about it they feel superior to others who have not been so sorry card in the frontier experience with its wet rice cycle of boom and bust cycles conflicts with india's grasshoppers county seat war scroll swore against the railroads and adaptations of agriculture to a tree was a hostile environment these were other shaking forces in kansas equally important really immigrant farmers from europe and reinforced the ideals already associated with kansas of industry frugality independence self reliance christianity law abiding and generally democratic the mixture was productive and lasting kansas develop through struggling turmoil destroyed will shape the character of the people they had a cause the cause was just and the rest of the world could learn from our kansas accomplished kansans had a great pride in what they had accomplished and cannon's the arts a year old kansas very much anymore but they have a special love for the land and for the
state the kansas with his word this time was what is the state motto of kansas and the answer is about as tripper asper meaning to the stars through difficulties you've been listening to our series and we allowed for more information about the heritage of kansas compared to a wider conspiracy centered on city kansas are you the pittsburgh kansas heritage program number nine coming in three two one who was the famous pulitzer prize winning kansas newspaper editor of the inquiry does that i have a cancer at the end of this program
eight ways he's zieba is who wrote that his pure kansas for the bicentennial histories of the states said that kansas pride led to some exaggeration but showed an unusual path to this day he wrote there was immense pride in the light in kansas parker's kansas painters kansas journalism color for an area like kansas politicians like engels intensity distinguished himself in any field always he was identified as a cancer in the public mind of the state there was pride in the beauty of the kansas countryside which was alleged by prominent kansans to be as spare as any on the surface
of the globe and pride in the campus quad which was proclaimed the health examination and quote increasingly the physical examinations of soldiers inducted into military service during world war one board up that ladder claim because it was found that the man from kansas were indeed the healthiest in the nation the kansas pride and determination to reform gave meaning and degrees of success to both the populist in the progressive movements in kansas kansas provide leadership for the people's party and the midwest and in the nation and it was more of a follower of both nation in the region but still an active participant during the progressive era of the early twentieth century it was that created kansas the colorado river in nineteen ten when he called kansas the state of mind john j nichols expressed agreed to a moral of kansas this way quote kansas has been the testing ground for every experiment in morals politics and social life nothing has been venerable or revered merely because it exists or has endured every
incoherent and fantastic dream of social improvement in reform every economic delusion every political fallacy nurtured by misfortune poverty and failure rejected elsewhere this year found tolerance and advocacy there has been neither peace tranquility to repose the farmer could never afford jones harvest merchandise games for the politician has supremacy something startling has always happen or has been constantly anticipated and it was expressed and other way by william elmore it in nineteen twenty two when he wrote in his newspaper to me in korea is that when anything is going to happen in this country it happens first in kansas abolition prohibition populism the ball loose the incident or how the appearance of the bank guarantee the blue sky mall users distinguish from an arbitration and there are differences these things come popping out of cans like that's out they'll sooner or later understated that these things and in kansas goes on breeding of his rivals
but said in the davis jesus changed even before white robe that statement in the nineteen twenties and it seems to be elevated became concerned with the moral fervor that led to all kinds of any prohibitions such as those described by kansas born novelist paul elam into his novels will enroll in the ball of glass written in nineteen forty four these words no cans or likes to do anything easy he raises his crops party takes his religion hard to be able to get like breezy would just be contrary nature for so he makes laws to keep him from getting it which makes it harder which give more pointed directed and behold your cans and thereby derive satisfaction it's all out there and then the walls of jericho in nineteen forty seven twelve winner of the kansas senate we're dancing cars the theater not end of the church tobacco drinking and profanity to the peculiar metal band achieve sestak which is the regulation of the lives of others not even that murder
adultery seem somehow so important as these seven scenes they declare that such actions made many kansans a shame rather than brown from the period from the nineteen twenties to the nineteen forties that that shame at them just as attached to the state is not the pride know now it was a defensive attachment cairo davis kansas was no longer in the vanguard of social progress but kansas has continued to show pride along with shame in their state kansas quiz for this time was who is the famous pulitzer prize winning kansas editor of the emporia is that the answer is we want to you know listening to audiences here at john wheeler for more information about the kansas july were in kansas fairly standard don't see it being used by leering grin of bahrain's rulers williams kansas heritage program number ten
coming in three two one who wrote the wizard of oz i'll have the answer at the end of this program he'd always good at zieba lose yes it's full of contradictions and the web page views of its people are part of the kansas heritage the poetry full songs fiction and other writings about kansas often include strong feelings that be picked what might best be called a love hate relationship about the state they're a part of these contradictions the state song hot rage originally written by dr bruce pretty great as my western
home is truly a love song to kansas a reporter for the diversity times wrote in at eighty four of these words or iran has done that may do and the kansas maintained a lot of things that no man has ever done before and we try to be clear these things the year of the war the scenery and we do feel the scenes already and many many kansas when money went into a way here are these two wars here at the green pastures here the fairest of the world's habitations that in addition to the love of kansas there has been hate him squirm too wichita was in the garden of eden love a place like kansas and you would be contained in a guarded rate same for ground it is the flares big sky we'd see well you can't borrow clubs roadhouse falstaff i like to win big job growth has its john brown wild bill hickok carry a nation cut that wider pretty boy floyd and shades of
all those unspoken ed quote eighteen sixty four soldiers stationed at fort leonard wrote home these words this is the poorest country i ever saw the land we passed over the side of saline is not worth once and an anchor and another soldier the same post declared that he couldn't understand why the army was going to so much trouble to clear the area of indians as soon as we can only fit for you john ice wrote in his malls are unstable when we have rain and crops we don't want to go and when they're you know crops were too poor to go so i reckon with just a year ago we started it l frank baum wrote in the wizard of oz use words when ann came here to live she was a young pretty why the sudden when had changed her two they had taken the sparkle from her eyes and let them a silver gray they had taken the read from her cheeks and lips and they were also great she was they
haven't gone and never smiled mail when dorothy who was an orphan first came to her and m had been so startled by their child's letter that she would scream and press or hannah bonner heart everybody's merry voice reached her years and she still looked a little girl wonder where she could find anything to laugh at there's close attachment kansans feel for the place where the lottery is also found in the wizard of ours where this conversation between dorothy this character was recorded tell me something about yourself in the country you came from so the scarecrow when she had finished her get her so she told him all about kansas and how great everything was there and how the cycle mccary heard of this queer landed was the scarecrow listen carefully and said i can understand why you should wish to leave this beautiful country and go back to that drive great place you call kansans liked the color she had no brain sensor bigger role matter how dreary in prayer halls are we people would rather live very beginning of the country be it ever so people there's
no place like all the spirit grows side of course i cannot understand it he said if your hands were stuffed with strong like mine you would probably all in the beautiful places and in kansas would have no people of all it's fortunate for kansas that you have brains or the people of kansas just like the characters in that story are proud of their brains heart and courage all of which are necessary to deal with the rigors of kansas as pearl better role in his famous essay in nineteen team with kansas history back in the true kansan feels that nothing is too much for him how so he'd be free of any danger hesitate in any obstacle having succeeded where failure was not only human but almost honorable having conquered kansas he knows well the kansas spirit is never want to find something in story and the challenge of extreme difficulty and quote well depending on conditions kansas kansans continue to love and hate their state with intensity kansas quest for this time was
who wrote them with your laws the answer is l frank baum be a new ham you've been listening to arkansans heritage how do you over for more information about to hear egyptians is content to rely very serious injury dawn city or the kansas state historical society and really great few years ago kansas
Our Kansas Heritage
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
High Plains Public Radio (Garden City, Kansas)
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Kansas Heritage History of KS.
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Kansas History
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Associate Producer: Graham, Marion
Narrator: Oliva, Leo
Producing Organization: HPPR
AAPB Contributor Holdings
High Plains Public Radio
Identifier: cpb-aacip-1de3d7badcb (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Our Kansas Heritage,” High Plains Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 16, 2024,
MLA: “Our Kansas Heritage.” High Plains Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Our Kansas Heritage. Boston, MA: High Plains Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from