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Well should you because you know you know like oh my god he was you know like you know and so they you know listening to him saw the Nitish and them going south you know they send them some songs. Yeah I did but you know I'm So you know I did but you know I'm so young and silly I'm so young so that you know I'm so Janish and them you know they send them home so yeah I did but you know I'm so yeah I did but you don't see my show you know. Doctor.
Result good news I don't use it in frail ball to live but to live. Guilt don't feel too young only to fail if they do so they remain more helpful if one lies or she feels right read to you then you're going to buy the right to be bought to buy don't you pull more see if yeah
why. What's a local shop in much of touch him is awful. No miss on full global song for let's see a film you feel me. YES WE ARE A FAMILY. I got this I see the film. I bit the family yet. Yes we see that film yeah. Gets killed and Pawel I grab it and combine and Cavani. I think you make
that bit and I think don't get scared. P.S. Carvajal I've got to know him is awful like out there. CM How bit. CM Keyshia. I boned a sand this guess can fill a gap. I get it while out on the edge but they sit I co-own the Bible they say
yes you see a lock on the gas can face your life fair and you don't do you want to see did you live. How big they say little a couple of them I guess go say. Yeah I meant to know I get to see like all those options are very excellent but will have to see the Vosh I vex TiVo. I've phoned the guest to say. But I
think when you spoke to me the little Gazza question you are bullshitting me. You. You know. Yeah. People here safely watch
the show. Yeah Paul I don't want to call the game I say you need a phone call MS and I do like out they won't see me please. You said let me think so surely pusa. I've been on the guest could say was this only proves that I did not sit in a truck. Let me say Luke I do know I don't guess go say this you know I get out they feel me. Schumer talked a good bit.
See new film soon to type. I believe this is what we say I don't feel like. Gas can feed a family. You see do you see like you know they see you when you say you read that bit they said OK I pulled them at least you get this one out. So you know he was family. You think you see the like out there. So assume they are a coup de. I think so assume they are he who they
want to know. So this will be out who they might have something to fail. You see you could hike out the city who could do what they say look we don't have a guest. But no cigar. The BMA to knock it down. I got the get go get it. Don't think you need food. If a blue Bible they
get I don't think I need a boo. I'd like to know what why God gave you don't get you don't owe me anything. But I bet you see more people when they get oh yeah you sin. You have the truth. Yes yes and I was like Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Yes oh yes. I don't know. Fail my family.
You live you make don't know me you fail me here I mean if you don't know being male women he bailed me out they didn't know you and I think you know time you not seen by a lot of you know being there when you know you're in here making doing it without paying fair money. I may or may not made a move and I think you're man. Man I'm going to see a band I love you man and you know me you bear with me I mean
you know if you're not playing you fair woman who won the big box may not see it live do you make don't be fair woman.
Jolie Louisiane
Travail A La Ferme
Contributing Organization
Louisiana Public Broadcasting (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
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Episode Description
This episode of "Jolie Louisiane" from 1975 features: host Stuart Bergen singing "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" in French; two kids visiting a farm; and host Lynn Dur teaching children French words related to the farm.
Series Description
Jolie Louisiane is a French-language educational children's show.
Broadcast Date
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Moving Image
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AAPB Contributor Holdings
Louisiana Public Broadcasting
Identifier: cpb-aacip-9db7ef99e1d (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:14:56
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Chicago: “Jolie Louisiane; Travail A La Ferme,” 1975, Louisiana Public Broadcasting, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 16, 2024,
MLA: “Jolie Louisiane; Travail A La Ferme.” 1975. Louisiana Public Broadcasting, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Jolie Louisiane; Travail A La Ferme. Boston, MA: Louisiana Public Broadcasting, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from