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     Country Life: Stories and Recollections of 94 Year Old Earl Gregg from West
    Jefferson, Ohio
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Now then my good dissolves and my get up and go has got up and land. Well I don't think with a grain of all the places my get up and go has been since I retired from life. I get up of the morning gassed all the way to pick up the radio gear. Yeah I know I'm not gay and I get a good debate and I get all the time and money but not get my hair heard. Little Miami Theatre Works presents a country life storytelling from the rural Midwest. Earl Gregg a 94 year old native of West Jefferson Ohio recalls his experiences as a young man in the early part of this century. Earl is well known throughout the small farming
community as much for the things he is still doing as for the things he has done nearly every day he carefully makes his way out to a tree in his yard from which he has time to exercise rings. It's an amazing thing to see a 94 year old man swinging back and forth in the tree. But then I roll is an amazing man. His long white hair and beard getting a rather wild appearance and his face bears the signs of many days in the sun and wind. He looks as though he was a wire young man although age has tempered that a bit. Sitting with him in his small white house on the edge of town it's easy to get caught up in one of the many stories some of which are always probably telling for the hundredth time. During one of our talks Earl got out a notebook in which he had written down the highlights of the first few years of his life. What follows is a sampling of that notebook. I was born on March 9 1887 after finishing my education and oh a few and being thrown in Merrill I
had married a school taker and all named after Parman and devilishly in town we moved to Canaan town in 1911 that ally and milk and honey. We were given a house warm. We had a fine and they don't want to live in 1913. I was elected one town that has a good cry and a bum road goes for hundreds of miles. DePaul on our aid border with no identification we made you inquiry would not identify him. Down published today I volunteered to dig the grave and is a minister. We gave him a good Christian
burial. Die was your play he did another grave and I had another. Another body and the brother had company. I made two million last month one to delay a few. The second was getting home guard the third was Ohio and I had no guard. I saw at the service to be all right and I can't at the stage of cry I want to Camp Perry throughout the years for rifle the pistol on the line. I qualify for basketball and rifle shooting and shot on this day three here and one bronze silver and gold medal.
Coming from a horse farm of a hundred horses I want a horse or a beautiful mayor and the auctioneer shouted soldier that I was full of that I rode my 19 can motorcycle over gas to gravel unmarked with only this border right when I got to the town alive. I was glad I knew I was on the right road. Yeah farming back then was quite a bit different from what it is today. Earl's farm was small and included almost everything they needed to live on a few cows a few
chickens some hogs grain fruits and vegetables. And they would sell the surplus for cash. Today's farms tend to be much larger more specialized and independent of each other. Earl remembers the days when neighboring farmers all had to work together things like threshing grain. There weren't many threshing machines around and few people could afford to own one. When the threshing machine rolled into an area the men all moved from farm to farm until everyone's fields were finished and the women cooked huge threshing dinners for everyone involved. It was hard work but it brought the people together. When my grandfather came here from Pennsylvania he was just cruel to her and he bought land all round West revolution for a dollar and a half for two dollars an acre. But it was under poor porter water. And growing all that they could grow that way. Here's two dollars an acre of land that he bought and is sat on for
twenty six hundred dollars an acre now. I told my farm and milk and honey because it was done to get the money for the Hawkeye are employed for mile walk as a girl replied Draper had grown to know before we separated much crime and we had several horses and several calves which held all the cattle and growing off of the place. We had a nice farm and not a shy guy and good neighbors and they had created work and cry to help every child cry and neighbors would get together and help and that's right and then when we got through I would help them they had lots right. Oh sting right.
And where you know Binder Binder that founded and went off and that's why we get out of the hall. All right why. I was too little to drive away but I had to cut. How does a band for years when I can get my high end. But the guy had pitched up on the elevator in the band and he put into the sound or when the cup to her cat was quiet. When you go in the
house and we didn't have any words in the fly it was terrible. Yeah I got only a small Curry to keep the flies off of the try Germany. The farmer had to have attended and hire and work and he had to leave in the dam the phallus. And the women at that time had Dr. Dre and the role of my father. Higher than the wife. And she'd go in did they get too much work and too much a lot of that of the and everything and the plot. And he just going to go with it. And the father
wanted to know why that guy was how to work that day. He said My wife is heaven. Hello. That's what they told us. That guy said no cure for. Yeah there are. And there Les is like your father went to the whale and he pumped in what you've got to water get to Google it he could get up and get through a gallon of water and then you know what you bucket in there and you know you're right. He found out that she didn't know what trouble was she found out the lackey did the grind and that your daughter she never had a hello by hand. And then park cracked so all with that old crack. Do
big wave drive wiggles and the motor was right but 20 year olds will yield back the air and the state and the controls all come back to the way goals is that high end stage all with a cleat to go through muddy water. My brother bought one have them. He thought I did pretty good one. They was all big and when they do come to the rubber gas and don't know what you could crank them. Head the battery fully charged and turn it on and then go in trying to get started. Which car did from cold to warm and day crime was just a big kick ball but a lot of times you
had your arm my flare and that was not a stick. Has a farmer had your Ford cracked or out here and his barn burned. And I said is that your tractor in there. It just didn't in there get why you saw the barn burned out cars still oil in the game and the cracked or he get that just about warm enough. And that's really what they thought. Yeah. The farmer have a body picked on and he go Dan and I asked you why you did one for much. And if he wants any he had to pay their price and he had to take just what they give a fellow farmer is crowded
out. He came to take a horse of all of them. And I get the money. You got to had a big crowd. All the farmers want to get one out of the jihad. We get to have a nice to get them. They didn't care about the whole lot of money. Earl and his wife farmed for about 10 years but eventually farming got to be more trouble than it was worth so they sold the farm and moved into town. Earl worked in the banking business and then the insurance business. But he was also involved in police work. The story which are like to tell the most is about an experience he had with some convicts who had escaped from the penitentiary in Columbus. They stole a car and headed west into the country. The sheriff asked for volunteers to help capture them and all ended up face to face with one of them in a cornfield. As with most stories this one changes a little each time it is told. And the same basic story is even told about by other
people in the community. The version told here includes some information about other police work which are always involved in and a story about another convict who may help to capture as well. Now then Gary Your World War II was foreign enough there in pain for the sick. And I really gave get protect a big ball there of my bad. And yet pretty United States marshal and this great give a high on what is power I would not rather be a living coward and a dead hero that was are full of guns. Yeah dad he wrote you don't know nothing about it and you get what enjoyment you get while you're here. When we saw the criminal was holed up in a bar dead I asked for a volunteer with 10 Dame in the bar and the TSA guy was in the air.
Own wonderment. Come on they let you play in the barn. He went in the barn looked all around and nobody dared to a one on the bar and we saw a liar go on that you know did a mile. We stayed in the bottom and carried him up to the guys player when he got out. The tall your now the criminal was in there and pointed to God intends one of us is going to die and the boy says I hope it ain't me. I guess he turned just as young Kalvar and looked at the guy and the guy turned on intel and guess shoddy Diao the ball that went out here in the back of the blind and never killed a while back the pain
and the doctor and he got well and they pardoned him. Now then I was told when I was clerk to develop there. Is there anyone here that volunteer to go with AM. And. When they run out on the street there was a woman drive and she never saw a woman in front of a car. Throw her out on the sidewalk to get a convertible to see her. My dog and I carried a 45 automatic pistol. I got in with the general.
He kept me down the road. Look at there there's a dash down the road. He says that's them a come on. He told the driver you turn around and go back. That Colbert under the road machine across the road. Come on down the hail Saul that we just crossed to the right and he would run away till he come right down as close to take a short turn to the left. Went down in a day. Baker just turned out this way. All in the back seat was throwed over the thank him and he and the driver were throwed into the thing. The other way over in that they yelled Go NYS and these guys are layin there because they come to and got their bias from the inn started runnin over
Europe. Maybe Wyatt made the hardest job and I don't know why I asked the hand for the big old was in shock. I have felt it install and I got in the stall. I saw a guy come on up. The heat has gone up because my and I just shot the gun out of the tight end and in doing so I put the ball and I could if I could you shot him through the heart. But that's all I ask. Then you want to do a Persian so he heard me and he come over and I was in hell with that guy. Because it's a nervous right to get in and he said oh no crating right. And. And we put it to Nicky on his hand here to keep the blood from Spock not FDR. Now
then he was a good guy and he got caught. He danced the Pain Gain and then Daugherty not over there at the hospital and the governor thought it was good my only pardon name and he went down Dyer and he bought about 15 20 acres and we need five chickens in my chicken and sold him. There's a whole chicken man that sells chicken all blown down and they have a plate kernel say and he'd write a check and sat him down and he had Goodfellas incremental and Earl was also involved in politics. He was the village clerk in West Jefferson for a while and eventually became a justice of the peace. There aren't any JPC anymore but in those days they served as local magistrates acting on minor offenses performing weddings and so on. We talked to several West Jefferson people about this part of Earl's life Charles he was a business partner of
earls. I don't know how many years had he was Jessop. Peace here in West Jefferson he was a notary public forum back I guess in the early twenties and he still is a notary public. But he would get the biggest kick out of the JP would be marrying people. I know one time that he told me he said well it was almost eleven o'clock when I got to the marriage. And I did hear that right. Me I said wow come over so late. He said I am and I was just going away go to bed and the knock came on the door and he said it was a couple there and asked me if I was jp and me that he totally wasn't and he said Well can you marry us. And he said Well I I can marry you I guess but I have to have a witness
and he said Well in one disturb the neighbors always said he thought of his wife you say Well Emma can be a witness. Sure are Mary so are you. Now then I would be in the horse and buggy days married two hundred couples their way to gestures to pieces Am I had the biggest Craig because money with that big way to go to get to see a patient being married. You only cost him about 3 ya know and the JP been out well when the automobiles got in the lawyer to take care of us. Now then there's your own great big wave and then they only live together three months. They divorce and the boys crumble their ceremony. And
guess where did you park. Yeah don't park as they take Dad I was there but I could ride away. It was Mayer away and I would cry whenever he'd get irate. And they drove a nice automobile. They arrested one of them and the mayor didn't have any automobile but he had a garage. They. Sat down and he brought the guy end game and found out he was a bad guy. Yeah good automobile and all. He figured how he could get the automobile to get the gun. He told this guy. Come on you know
the old door. Never forget the sound of the door. That's all to get the automobile came out there cold and you're right. I'm going down to golf and get back to work out when it can. He'd have the right to get out a guarded Roman. He never heard the automobile. Charged him a big cry and yet the automobile he gets for the right he gives the place for the motorcycle all of their life. He is not and I didn't get nothing but
just listen to what he and the mayor was a Democrat not a Republican. He never did he couldn't buy a monument that they could pull or carry away. Yes they could carry it they carry the Grek and throw in AM This guy would come back and get it say so. As a Democrat and Republican more so he had the Democrats more cation do the burial and he told the Marquis to buy a great big marble shawl I had the home they had the marble in monuments and he bought a. Couple of day entire Graves was a big marble shy of that day. And it was about three and a half feet why
not to cover the gray ball work. He had on their marriage. Then he had a cat which is your soul. Why you should be Hale had Providence not made it beautiful by day as a dying horse but all I can that is it could be if all of us old guys did live flyable why wouldn't it be all hobbling around trying. We'd all be out on the road. Along with the car go on sale. And that's what they're doing in China today. There well would you just call and I would just move. The picture that all route put on the marble monument.
Charlie Miller is mayor of West Jefferson micro a member of the first I remember him. He and his wife had an insurance agency here at the center of town it was a little building itself on the southeast corner of the intersection of Maine a moment there. Earl was really active in politics in town he was for counsel for years and years and years and I guess held other positions. And he's always been interested in the community. He's always been a quest Jefferson fan I was in the service and I got out in 1958 that town and was a little pretty well up in years 1958. And then I would remember when I worked at the IJA store he would come in and you know disaster. Or how you do it he'd always say first like when I was elected mayor for the first time I guess was the first time I was elected mayor. Earl was still getting around pretty good he was in town pretty it pretty often he must but it was ninety two then and so I had him swear me again and it was
around December 17th. So we had it all set up upstairs here we come all dressed up and with sleigh bells Santa Claus outfit never thank you. We all got sworn in by Santa Claus. But that's that's always or all do and anything and you don't he just enjoys living girl that lived about all of me. He and I feel like you're weird. Well that's nice. He used to commit the IJA down there by armfuls but that's what kept him going for not I don't know a father would want me are gone the farm and he gave me a lot of work and money going home. Well you don't have to be a good old my and he was right. I get hardly gotten on way over there. I'm not supposed to be here. But they got large leaving me for some lady. And then by that great
right. Born in St. Craye 1887. And I was 13 years old when that sank in I had a bisexual. I graduated in the motorcycle and then into the out of a young. Girl Greg a 94 year old native of West Jefferson Ohio recalls his experiences as a youth around the turn of the century. Earl can't hear very well anymore but his sense of humor and love of life are keyed in with his hearing aid cranked up the talk that years off in the visitors. Role has been a notary public since the early 1920s and is still doing it for the people of this small community. They probably go out to Earls places much to see him talk to him as to how something notarized. Sitting in his living room with the
old books and photographs trophies and believe it or not a Harley Davidson motorcycle girl will clear his throat and launch into another story. My parents just don't know why their father time and Mother Nature and their the director's parent Diable had they won't let men wear diapers and I can hardly wall and. A lot of the women like it. Yeah I went to a 7-Eleven women and marriage instead and one after 8 years of teachers who will grade and you when the janitor work at $35 a month. We got married she's a country girl Ma's a country boy. Boys guard to work.
Right now we get to dark long work. My father the father of girl. Never boys got a sister that's of mine. When I tell this story it's connected with the birds in the V. When I was little that I never noticed that
my mother was going to have a baby. You know when she first hit tell me you tell her that the beach is warm and that Tennet house was a half a mile down the road on our farm and I'd go down the road and I'd tell her I'll never know it was all I was just a real little lamb and there was a guy on the road because people want a horse they don't need to go on Saturday and Sunday it's a horse and buggy and the church lasted so long that the horse got mad and he'd run off with them and not gone home. Yeah and. Why you're one
of the good. He was my little brother. I asked my mother for dead. Forget that she said that once when I was just going to come in and tell Miss Jane kept yet there was a covered wagon and them and they had aged them little baby in there and picked out one of the kids out of me on the pedal. Yeah and I did you know what. Yeah and I got older and the doctor did have to hire a label you you come out the prize. So they just go but the doctors would come out if you had a pain in the side they painted all of you a beer or they have a call am. They'd come out prescribe what you will
in the medicine cabinet you know. Then there was a woman delay of getting north on metal pie called Doc player to deliver the baby and the bridge was tore out out there a cross and a privileged point in the year when the correct was high and he heard about people well the dead Bill Ford in a crate and the bridge was out. They here is supposed to board the crate but the water got high and he thought he could make it but it got in and he got out there in the middle in the water when the horse down the crank and he jumped out of the buggy and your word and the horse ground and he recovered do you grant it but gave it way
down. Now then Nate Kerr will produce and then it you know for all about it did they wouldn't find it self or was lame a day. Yes it was we got a bad cold mother paid by cell phone but the gal from. Kid run in the fireplace. There are three big hot sauna and then dropped a lot. In one weekend. It almost knocked us down but boy that picture to go yeah their lemonade was worse than the day around something like that and they'd run your friend and you know in your night where they had to get a day
off the small ball. And then you got in place fouls not ones but you had to put up with that small ball for a living in a time of great changes. He grew up in the horse and buggy days and lived to see a man on the moon. His father was a horse breeder at the time when horses were one of the main sources of power in this country and Earl was raised on a farm where there were always at least a hundred horses. They sold draft horses for field work rode horses for travel and race horses for sport. Earl's father wouldn't let him ride in the races because it was too dangerous. But he worked as a trainer with the horses and jockeys and has some pretty interesting stories about those days. Now they and I growed up on a horse farm and all kinds of horses and a gray of horses rode horses right horse and all that. For I do had a horse and I would take a horse out of the barn and
leave a stable door and leave the barn lot and ride outside private imperishable equally Justin. I found out I had you got of the bible college after that horn so he had not he would come to play us around through and go into the barn on the couch and I'd hit my head on the top of the door. So I had to learn to shut the door and get the gate and then I had him because I got a horse and saying if you got there very sanctity. When I was little I had to get on to the race horses and rub the poles down from the knees down to the hooks. I remember when I was a kid my mother made jockey uniform jockeys go ahead colors
and she got to cover and made a coat for the jockey there where I could ride the horse. You're right he says but he wouldn't let my girls decide to gung his kid 9 might get hurt. What does all love you. They got laid an arm and they just used the tassel to the horse and used. Yes the guy is going around him you've got to train it to women. You've got your job ahead haven't had with him he told all for the horse. You William. And I will let you ride for that PayPal's online so he hired as he had done the trackball derided the horse he hired another ride of your garage that he was too hated to ride but about
ten pounds and he had me carefully not you know in the manure pile and then he swatted a mouse. He he took off the pounds all white. But by God that could go to the mall with good white trout. Lenore and hated what other out in the 1800s and the first part of the century small towns like West Jefferson fulfilled a much different function than they do now. Today there are many of you can store fronts in our small towns. People hop on the freeway and head for the nearest city to do their shopping and find entertainment. But Earl remembers a time when the small town was the center of all activity for the people in a rural community. Travel was much more difficult so people were dependent on the local merchants for nearly everything. Why there was even an opera house in West Jefferson and like town the size of white garrison in the new around had no lawful house
and our playhouse was built in about Day 98 and that there would come and they'd stay a week in each state and they'd show a different credo of one night. Get a crowd. For the prettiest girl in town. They all made themselves known to the. Girl that I remember for their moral and good day. How
the devil and all grand uncle toms don't notice the devil. We'd go in town and Camp me and everything we hadnot I didn't buy a horse right away when I started going with the girls. My father would tell ya you can have a horse to go I have to take a coal. Like the coal in here so I got a hold of a temperamental horse and when I'd stay home she and my girl why the horse would ball and
went home that is my punishment only way I could get him out. The punishment was. Hard on him. Came in around straightened out toward the gate that went out on the road because I know it does go on if I ever get him started. Starting so I'd carry a pan with mine and get a buggy lined up toward the road. Get there you know they need your double pin and I used to act upon her and her nod my head. I'm going home. He wanted right out of the gate. He is careful not to hurt the buggy on the gate because he didn't know but thought that might throw him around hurting him. We had a couple of voyage to go
through. And I like to cross to get on my road to come home. I go to sleep before we hit the. Damn plank in the bridge luge quad of the world that rival and the only women that town where you hear that oh it's Greg own home. I've got to dial and I look around the world. And he is at the door for me down here came in taking me on Sunday was holding a little it just came out here. Park I drove up to meet more than I was horse and buggy with the towel down on top in a hood. Boom and into womanhood and my wife's
brother brought her out there that came in when he wants to get the horse. His horse thought that he'd stayed too long. He turned around enough to get the buggy and the dance. She watched and heard and then and I took her home. Town boys come to town because we had a AM. We had a horse and buggy come to town and and they didn't have any automobiles no no horse and buggy and we could take the girls arrived in the buggy and boy oh boy did they get my ADD. Town boy would like that country boy for entertainment. And the worst town boy is that we had to be a ploy dad was a preacher. He had a dager about that roan.
Yeah that boy cured Boyd with a boy of the whole set. They laugh at us country boys girls ways today I'm dumb. We ways she and we know how Buck she would like to get us way off so he could jump up and hit our stride square in the middle of the back before we got to a plant. Well we found out that all we had to do when he started to attack us she lay down. He didn't have any more change to come out with us so we could get our hand in his wool. We get up and ride a human being mauled. So the town boy we want to show him with chrome or she. Yeah right down the hall he'd be here among braying given here about a third.
Why in the hell didn't you lay down and they said well we're careful. I said no he came to court he can hold care and you can get a hold of him and get wool devil out of here. They lie because we know nothing about the CIA and they were done with was project get her on the form. Now then when they're going to have paid we didn't have a whole houses go in there so they would ponder why replace didn't get through and they had their pigs in the neighbor's cornfield poured ten deaths out to find out where the stock was and would find gas before we found her and that page which he had in a bunch
of office and she'd come out to protect them and when she get within 10 quote of us she'd jump and leave the ground and hit us right don't know what you'd call a day or she had not the wind out of us. Peter probably harnessed the bike but would jump up and tell Paul he'd been hired man out there around Europe after the death of Paul Harvey. The town boys parents they didn't want to hunt the games. You might walk and they'd bring a ferret out to get under the haystack and I would run a rabbit and that and that. We didn't believe in that kind of cotton because to go A.J. we had to go in Harlem in the wild get my train
had you been any you know play one day I got 17 live but and only said I'm with Don Lemon. And today in order to make up for their lives I had large piles on both ends of my plate and didn't get under all the buildings and do you know what and I water I'm here. And they get up on the doorstep and look at me when they get to drive can go back to the board pile I'M CRYING TO PAY I've bought online. Except for their Saturday night trip into town and church on Sunday country folks back then pretty much stayed at home on the farm. Still you couldn't exactly say they were isolated when the country people couldn't go to town. Well the town sort of came out to them. There were travelling pedlars hucksters with wagons selling just about everything the people needed from groceries
clothing and 10 Ware to bottles of medicine that were supposed to cure whatever ails you. But even though there were quite a few people on the roads back then everybody knew everybody else in the country and outsiders were viewed with suspicion. Now then they get in radio. They raise your children baith see and they've done that it will be generations ever since they was closed form. Why. If they get in the neighborhood you know darn well you know they'd steal chickens get anything that they could sail. And now you know I will write in the book they talk about last night had a party girl layer party as girls as boys ever saw and yet they would tell her just saying yes it's all in while she was staying in he beginning in house together made it.
We never suspected you did but we got on. We found when we went to get her eggs in Washington and we know he got a charge out of her fork and saw a doctor coming down your porch. I start out daughter that big pack peddler with a great big pack on there you have to go round by the head. Going around 7 groceries at that time. Young man had come through. Go to your place in the hall or any iron and use today. An
attacker right. And. Then just say all of AM and then they would pay us money. Rather you'd buy their dad the nicest where you find pork and nice but because you have a farm had to have Ken Buck a day. Now the cows then have the milkers and when your cattle cow forever you know. Yeah Doc you're come around. You were able to come to the house. There was no will. Now you're pork
and count on you are all the women and managed both. And boy did it feel good. It was 90 percent alcohol. That animal we called it here but a little proven to have a pruning boil come July and my dad had walked two miles over to our place through the country. He'd come on over here were headed in the hot women. Yeah we're going to tell him he'd grant her all and he died but he dodged alcohol. Thank everyone in West Jefferson seems to know something about oral Greg. Perhaps all that some of the younger people know about him is that he's the old man with the beard the man who lives in the little white house just outside of town with the cannon and the teepee and his yard. But
everyone knows he's special. Whether serving his grand marshal for the Miami Valley steam threshers parade or riding a bike if I'm Earl has remained as much a part of the goings on of his community as he was in his youth and as one man put it when you get to telling great stories. Cry me you could write a book. He always went by the name eet Greg Edwin course his first name and he was nicknamed Pete back and I guess in high school there's not too many people around probably anymore that would remember. Remember these just an unusual person. I know he's got that you can see the yard as you see there and he's got that for years and must still be out there so what's a model later Model T or something in there. You said in one of the outbuildings out there you could see it from Route 40. Evidently everybody must come in for the thing for sale. One day I went by there just a big sign and all it said was no flipping. It was autumn and that's that's that's yeah you don't see
guys like that with that white long beard and glasses and a cane like that I mean. But it it's different I think. That saying well that's. Just different. I got another and Greg to the motorcycle club and he let us use his property out there as a place for the kids to ride motorcycles and people are going to motorcycle events and I guess you know that he's a great great old guy real personable and knows a lot about all kinds of things he knows about flying motorcycles and cars and he had one of the first. For a girl that had a kid get the crowd get more people when they're making more money.
I've fooled around with speed all my life. Whatever you learn when you're good. He had Yeah pretty well but horses I found out first you have to keep him or keep motorcycle a lot of people and get ALL your head. King David and I got the power by Ed Bell on the air and chatted up on the stand and the bell and get a warm and then loosen the bell take it off and run it. I asked if you can run down the road and then jump on it and as easy for me to jump on my own horse. When I was a kid I hated
bicycle and I'd ride it to Sunday school and they taught you what heaven was by and that day why Mark Carson and I rode to town on the old dusty roads where stellar wind generated and when you had to ride out around them down there in the dash and they're waiting. Why is your face going in and I told the teacher what I thought had been a delight. Heaven would bring the wind to your back and the world just slowly did supply war. You've been listening to a country life story telling from the rural Midwest produced by Jeffrey Hooper and edited by Dennis Hoffman. The country life has been presented by Little
Miami theater works with the support of the Ohio Arts Council the Ohio Arts Council offers a wide variety of assistance in the performing and visual and literary arts to community groups and individual artists and organizations throughout the state. For further information on how this agency can contribute to the cultural growth of your community. Great to be on high arts council 6:53 East Main Street Columbus Ohio 4 3 2 0 5 0.
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Country Life: Stories and Recollections of 94 Year Old Earl Gregg from West Jefferson, Ohio
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Chicago: “ Country Life: Stories and Recollections of 94 Year Old Earl Gregg from West Jefferson, Ohio ,” 1981-06-02, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 16, 2024,
MLA: “ Country Life: Stories and Recollections of 94 Year Old Earl Gregg from West Jefferson, Ohio .” 1981-06-02. American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Country Life: Stories and Recollections of 94 Year Old Earl Gregg from West Jefferson, Ohio . Boston, MA: American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from