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Hating agenda for youth development for each convened a national summit in Washington D.C. this week examining how youth can play an integral role in improving urban suburban and rural communities nationwide. The national conversation on youth development in the 21st century brought together twelve hundred participants from all 50 states. The goal of the national conversation is really create an agenda for America for young people in their roles and that agenda will be the basis for a youth led action plan that will be delivered to President Bush and members of Congress in April. And outgrowth of the national conversation is the power of youth pledge a campaign a nationwide community service drive. Today more than 100000 youth and adults have pledged more than 1.3 million hours to the campaign. A group of foreach youth volunteered at Martha's Table a community center located in the nation's capital. As a result of their individual commitments to the campaign. JOHN BRIDGELAND the newly appointed director of USA Freedom Corps addressed those
attending the 4H summit. Your power of youth camp is a powerful way to honor and highlight the work before age that now spans a century. He stressed the heightened importance of volunteerism which President Bush highlighted in his recent State of the Union address and the role youth can play in improving communities. Foreach is sponsoring the national conversation and the power of youth pledge campaign to mark it's 1 100th anniversary. With more than 50 million alumni worldwide 4-H offers more than 1000 programs ranging from robotics and biotechnology to skateboarding and entrepreneurship. In Washington here this is Tim Evans reporting. This.
Is. The national conversation for young people and their roles. It. Your campaign and highlight the work
of the century about that. It. He created called the power of his pledge to Americas freedom of 1.3 million hours and we're very excited to be part of this new effort in our country.
I know of no other organization or process that's brought together this many different people to create this kind of an agenda. So it's really unique in our country and a very very important time to make sure these people are still on our radar screen. For a hundred years of age has changed a lot and some things haven't changed. We were mostly organization years ago and today about 35 percent of our young people are. Joining us. The thousands of young people. Who are here today and the millions of participants in 4-H around the country. You are the rising
generation and I know with your commitment to public service you can in fact. Become the next greatest generation. Americans are responding to the call to service in great numbers and young Americans like you are part of the generation that can truly change the world. For me leadership and that is so important on you know on the basketball court as well as a work ethic. And I learned the importance of strong work work ethic. And that has carried over on the vast court and everything I do in life. If the events of September 11th taught us anything at all they taught us that we must continue to invest in young people.
I'm proud to announce that as of February 18 which is the day the materials for this conversation with the National Council receives one point three million hours to community service. In. This is.
Fine. Thank you. Yes.
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Raw Footage
4-H National Conversation
Contributing Organization
Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network (Hartford, Connecticut)
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May be CT Journal or Main Street Footage
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Moving Image
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Connecticut Public Broadcasting
Identifier: A13574 (Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:10:36
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Chicago: “4-H National Conversation,” 2002-03-01, Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 16, 2024,
MLA: “4-H National Conversation.” 2002-03-01. Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 16, 2024. <>.
APA: 4-H National Conversation. Boston, MA: Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from