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At an American Legion Hall of Fame dinner in Duluth in April of 1971 the loose entrepreneur do you know if delivered an address on business responsibility exhorted the industry to wake up or be damned. The time has come for industry to take its rightful place in society by advancing social and civic progress for the betterment of America he asserted. Through partnership with government and labor organizations through existing vehicles and those yet to be formed through active involvement in the process of solving the problems of today's America. Well one of the problems of America in 1972 is pollute she sees it is what's happened to the Democratic Party and he is and has been actively involved first at the Democratic National Convention in Miami where he attempted it. And eleventh hour stop McGovern movement. Presently as vice chairman of a nationwide organization Democrats for Nixon. But she was in Washington recently to talk with the president. How did Mr. Nixon respond to the efforts of pollutions Committee he was as he was very very pleased not only the Democrats and independents of organized together under the banner Democrats for Nexen
but that he's very proud of the fact they were making such good inroads throughout the year. The major states that we're after for chairman state chairman and organizations and each day is in the key part of this whole effort dollars for the re-election campaign. She says there's more to it than that. The key isn't just the money the kids are getting names of people that want to cooperate in each individual state and both the names as well as the money has been very very good. In fact surprisingly good Baluchi has had a long time association with the Democratic Party. In fact some of his best friends are Democrat is his new attack creating animosity among associates. You know I think the the good you said political friends and I think friends are such that you can differ is just like a family sometimes within a family you will differ. The husband from the wife it doesn't mean that you fight about it. And I have run into and visited with all of my friends in the Democratic ranks in Washington while we've been there and
they just feel the general's entitled to do what he wants and they're entitled to do what they want. That is I mean that in any way does it diminish our friendship or mutual respect for one another. This doesn't necessarily mean the polluter has decided to cast his lot with the Republicans from now on does it. Not at all and I've always been an independent remained independent. I don't think people realize but that the balance of power throughout the United States is really in the hands of the independents and say we say this is a two party system. I think it's more of a three party system. Democrats Republicans and independents Baluchi got into the campaign because he was unhappy with the way things were going with the Democrats. And he finds that the Nixon candidacy is striking a responsive chord across the nation. He seems to look stronger right along and no way are we underestimating the opposition. But you says you know a little bit. Unhappy very unhappy the way the kooks as I call them took over the party. The way the platform was some of the philosophy of Senator McGovern
you might be a fine man personally I'm sure he is but some of the philosophies that he espouses whether it be defense or whether it be marijuana or whether it be bussing or whether it be the welfare. I just think are really attacking what made America great and in this instance I believe that we have to go for what's best for America not for political parties. No relationship with polluting is all sweetness and light. And there are areas in which he differs with Nixon. But nonetheless the areas of agreement are those he wishes to focus on in the main I think he's done a good job. We have 83 million people working. He has a past year with China and Russia is something that no other president has ever been able to do. He has looking at overhauling our welfare programs so people will have jobs rather than a handout except for those who really can't work. I believe that this man has done something to stop the inroads of inflation and therefore I respect what he's done and it's one hell of a job that isn't easily done. So I want to be the last one to criticize him for a few things where
I may not agree with him. Looking back to that speech of April 71 again plushie pointed out that industry has strength organization resourcefulness and influence. And when a captain of industry like Geno have Baluchi mobilizes those resources he means to see that the problems he's disturbed about get solved. This is Claudia Daly in Duluth.
MPR News Feature
Jeno Paulucci supports Nixon re-election
Contributing Organization
Minnesota Public Radio (St. Paul, Minnesota)
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Duluth entrepreneur Jeno Paulucci is unhappy with what?s happened to the Democratic Party. Paulucci, who belongs to the group Democrats for Nixon, talked about his recent meeting with the president and his relationships with friends in the Democratic Party. He thinks the people don?t like the party's positions or those of presidential candidate McGovern. In the main, he says, Nixon has done a good job on unemployment, relations with China, welfare, and inflation. [DMA import part of AAPP grant]
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Release Agent: Minnesota Public Radio
Wardrobe: Minnesota Public Radio(Reporter); Paulucci, Jeno(Interviewee)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
KSJN-FM (Minnesota Public Radio)
Identifier: file_metadata_10383369 (MPR File Name)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Duration: 0:04:37
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Chicago: “MPR News Feature; Jeno Paulucci supports Nixon re-election,” 1972-09-18, Minnesota Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 18, 2025,
MLA: “MPR News Feature; Jeno Paulucci supports Nixon re-election.” 1972-09-18. Minnesota Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 18, 2025. <>.
APA: MPR News Feature; Jeno Paulucci supports Nixon re-election. Boston, MA: Minnesota Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from