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it's big the following program provides viewpoints of farmers from lumpy bibi level contaminated farms and it's put one perspective of the highly complex pb the situation for generations farmers that michigan's rigorous climate and once unyielding terrain to provide the nation with you if a flight jones of hickory corners now hendrix have mcvey john party government and city and butch williams of five flight one obstacle has caused a never ending fight for survival the continuing tragedy of ppp
in nineteen seventy three cattle were contaminated with a highly toxic chemical p b b it was mixed inadvertently into cattle feed farmers his cattle have high levels of ppp were assisted by the state yet most farmers his cattle measure low levels of pb be destroyed catalan attempted to clean up with no assistance from the state in nineteen eighty eight seven years after p bibi defiled michigan's dairy farms it is the low level farmer whose fate is determined my chemical contaminant for floyd jones of hickory corners michigan the nightmare of pb be ended for him a way of
life well got married nineteen forty six and move down this fire and we had seven cows and seven actors in a landlady head seven thousand seven her first that was billion another and we got seven thousand heifer's from my dad's heard i've been for asia had some notion that and i got a few other animals from him to go along with the to make the numbers matters and we just along things multiply and got their urine and then eventually that wind was so it was almost worth and has had sixty stations and sixty thousand stations
upstairs in a therapist or anything numerous awards and trophies were once common for the holstein heard raised on the jones' farm now plagued with aborted cavs squeaky joints deformed who's tough heights and while milk production jones's low level pt be affected cattle in nineteen eighty are far from the herd once admired this guy won't find out there because the air is saying and joe along in seventy four we said no trouble for cows and we had over a map ahead to like cats we had no idea that there would be so what problems with the animals
later so they sit on the system and that in some way as vaughn no longer a boarded auletta says there are your nightmare since we first found out that weird at the time this week looking further infuriated that put up your faith and the year two thousand is that is a known figure i can fell a mild fever i don't remember
it's busy over the years the patients bill cosby i think the point is because
for years it's been there's a state department of agriculture say to you when you tell them about olive only never been here they know isis but the who has died in wise and photos they don't like that is about things the head out they said i don't have to it's to save her cozy apartment because they made such a mess a look at the problem they were lax in the middle of fall things up it is burned circles i guess and hope they will all of gallons of this appears very own round circle long enough so viruses kirtley you you were quarantined because of the fat samples and it has sent ten but they've never been out here to say everything right ah dr
deming and dr johnson who's working for the farm girl came and most of my cows that those quarantine and this is what you want do is average else and i says do i have to how long this draw a loan or you don't have to have an issue of isis law as as we've had these are cows some mom says nineteen thirty the feminism and her family says it is the ceo the peaks boy so i can't assume this fraud mrs know you don't have to this is in keeping ben hur so they keep on this truer than in the heyday
in the fall of nineteen seventy four hour hendrix have mcbain michigan that his cattle farm bureau feed unaware that it contained pb well when we first noticed a problem in the fall of nineteen seventy four when we had an animal that was a very thin and funnel and almond we found had a shooter task then from that time on new book the three ninth so if i wouldn't really have that many problems until the fall that year one when another one died in an april of nineteen seventy six and that is when we really noticed that we was was a lot of problems at that time the other cattle wander once early years when breeding and again a nineteen seventy eight and won in one troubled period we lost
a spouse it's caught and one every two weeks and these animals died from anything from hard hitting to injury to lay dis anything that would cause an economist rest we're still at that time fighting this trilogy problem which is basically a number one i know and still is what do you feel now is the cause of these problems well from nineteen from the fall of nineteen seventy three until december nineteen seventy four and we've had twenty three thousand pounds of the funder concentrates thirty four and thirty five percent since the time we've done possibly four thousand dollars with testing and the only phone basically is deviant that so from that we assume the tv how much untold dollars lg think you've lost since seventy four approximately
it i would say around fifty thousand and that in that general area as far as the cause and applause and now an attack on me it so the market in iowa over a hundred thousand dollars but in general i was in a question that scholars and then not a loss of a love of a sale of of bread evers and the same things i would say in the end he wrote fifty thousand dollars do you ever hope to receive any of that money back that helps but so far we've got nothing but to really just ignore us they dont they dont never contacted serve or anything that just like this is ignore serious we are
in right at that on this that the only time that the anybody ever talks about settlements is the only ones that they talk about is that as the ones are are our have filed lawsuits and there are some farms and this included that have not filed lawsuits are still have going to get to come in and it is basically the gist of it was written about us over one hundred years of farming took place on the particle land near mint in city michigan after burying one hundred thirty head of low level place and cattle in an attempt to rid the farm of ppp john heartache and his family continue to be plagued by the chemical nightmare you know i just i get hit with a truck you know that's a stand as well i described their lives and i was like i don't want a truck know is seen in his time marshall remain airing als know mississippi a camper loaded on the truck necessarily lose
care less of the giant valves can prove that you fear can you prove they're not rodriguez iran deal was gone and reverse other thing that was going on and refund or the rural farm organization our lungs concerned i thought we should allow them to move a muscle then later on that i thought was we had to leave our middle of a very pro rumors airbag go to say heroin that they're going through and just replace the farmer what the cow will help him clean out of the new and better off the more they try to cover it up they try to patch it up this idea was the problem that uses a thin cows batteries can now the us and a combat going on feeling pain games recently they were going to help thinking is then this is a statue and through but i still say for the beginning of the letter came through here and has quarantined the
whole state one of the others locked up window amount was brand new york city in nineteen seventy five and seventy four right bets on what was being sent to the pope was a lot of the new york daily news that in our state it's all over what i feel and zeros that would poison the people i really dont write down vote and myself were older people are unlivable bought tickets this year forty fifty sixty years what the impact is going to have our normal and i wouldn't allow say this is the lead to celebrities i seek out by all the families out here nightmares of years keeling over borrowing other milestones as i see it all so they can damage is one way to tell by that ice in many many ways people are now
deserted dr pneumonia lung diseases or disorders and everything was all connected to be discussed at this greatly to survive further north west eight five lake michigan is yet another farm where butch williams who with his father ellery attempts to fight ppp with time williams third generation pb be careful still exhibit abnormal signs from contamination the death of cattle on the farm number close to forty five had the state has not helped the williams family sought residual pd be problems the low level growers
try well you can explain in the day gm oracle of a new high level really i love nina medical a new doctrine if you're like me the jungle out there have gotten into trouble true i never seen only going to live for nine sixty two years and i've never seen nothing like him in dc vouchers your future in farming since the ppp contamination lessens the billing in the new yorker this conclusion the sounds and you've lost the fight you've
given out of that you know the rise of the head you know farmers have been issued ppp exemption certificates providing clearance from further testing of pv be in the cattle how to talk to some of the fire still sell cattle to look like is you know i know a little piece of paper and the sculptor says these killings that raise cattle example from testing a p b b and the current solution said that we can't say on the college's a slaughterhouse in that there are examples that are mostly through there's no way to stop or routinely tested repeatedly and often notes that the whole deal was see us when it is that raising the attack because they say they are fine shouldn't be a test we kept on the program you know it wasn't going to save these exemption papers online and those at this article not a lot of that too
and february twentieth nineteen eighty seven cattle some with abnormal hoof growth elephant like skin and squeaky michigan joins were ready for market no production had dropped so low the cattle were no longer worth the feed it costs to keep him alive speak to pay to play since the contamination of pvt floyd jones has lost over two million dollars taking into account lowered milk production revenue lost from calves that died in devaluation his cattle beef products exchanging hostile questions teach angel
jones does not worried that his cattle will be rejected for sale although he himself does not think they should be allowed to go to market to be says jones has become the victim of a chemical mix up the cattle he sells are far from admirable nico the cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo thank you
kevin thank you kelly jones has hopes that his cattle will improve with the time delay has been a long and painful one with few signs of encouragement that his cattle are returning to their once prize winning condition in a position to pay to be an in at battle creeks michigan my stock exchange where jones as catalysts and the
truckers are required to have a ppp exemption certificate for each head of michigan cattle the exemption certificates sent to jones for the michigan department of agriculture verify that the amounts of ppp in his cattle are below the level that was set by the state in determining how much was say what the certificates do not provide is proof that the cattle are not showing effects from the ppp no matter what level of ppp may be present as
beans beans jeff bezos but it's been all seven of the jones cattle or salt at the livestock exchange two were purchased by a beef company located east of grand rapids the others went to packing plants throughout the state tv be cattle exemption certificates are again required at michigan packing
plants the cattle are allowed entrance there has been no conclusive evidence today that clearly shows whether consuming meat and dairy products from low level ppp cattle is dangerous or not dangerous some researchers testify that pt be as harmful even at low levels of exposure others say there is no reason to fear the ppp contamination of cattle mr hamid and the dairy products continue to go to market to peak they may be affected cattle are threatening the low level farmer to this day the end to the farmers dilemma is not yet inside the city is going to be going on all for the next five or ten years as far
as i can see mainly because i'm a third generation cattle i still see the effects of the pd contamination what do you think happens in nineteen eighty when people eat cattle that look like the ones that you just sent to market the blue notes well i i don't think they should be the sole authority i feel very strongly that they're there they're terribly dangerous because our political level if they can call a low level will kill these cows these uses them as he has done on there is nothing that should have and so as far as i'm concerned ever even to this day all right through this period because of the the effect of the of the long lasting and this affects of the soul of the sort of the same but they say so
far scott is loaded market obviously of messed up your roundup so forth i could never forgot my head it's a trial that's emotional echo noriega put to rest together make payrolls that's i mean that that's where they developed all the people that the person historically these verizon buys a young of a sudden a story on oregon mr butcher shop and it would choose to come in an inspector new rule of stamp a chill pill is true and that image of polygamy who were all reason that i and sullivan's it can sell its legal talent as for survival and that's one thing we weren't tired
of the food stamps that we never took the muscle that we got food stamps well this has been phenomenal for go through in what ways there's spies in lansing own ideas of how to do things and they've been singing i was there to put the farmers said they just didn't they were careless and a golfer department or something and it just seemed it is common sense a sainted the wreckage of the people visited called the car rental and then the
assassins of tv you'd have had to borrow approximately three hundred and fifty thousand dollars to keep going for seven years other indian
Forgotten Farms
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
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National Records and Archives Administration (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
Forgotten Farms, a documentary, presents Michigan dairy farmers with cattle affected by PBB contamination. Accidental contamination of feed by PBB has led to malformed cattle, stillborn calves and other maladies. Some farmers are compensated but others are not. Contaminated cattle are sometimes exempted from testing and allowed to be sold for meat. Farmers complain that the state ignores them and potential health concerns, one sadly saying "I really poisoned people." Researchers disagree about whether low level PBB contamination in meat is a threat to human health.
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
AAPB Contributor Holdings
National Records and Archives Administration
Identifier: cpb-aacip-98f5231a667 (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape
Duration: 0:28:46
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Chicago: “NewsHour; Forgotten Farms,” 1980-04-10, National Records and Archives Administration, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 16, 2024,
MLA: “NewsHour; Forgotten Farms.” 1980-04-10. National Records and Archives Administration, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 16, 2024. <>.
APA: NewsHour; Forgotten Farms. Boston, MA: National Records and Archives Administration, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from