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no no david for modernization he's seventy six pip pip this
is how they came from all over the midwest between three thousand or five thousand of farmers in a wired brand his cattle and hog raises corn grow wheat growing growers of soybeans sugar beets and sword and from colorado iowa kansas south dakota to missouri and minnesota wyoming and wisconsin and they converged on lincoln nebraska to speak out and prefer to martin was there to listen and it was the first of seven original as an incompetent set up by the new secretary of agriculture pardons or one of his top aides sent down for the day long hearing you talk to the crowd you may wonder why
ninety days philip during which time we've been involved in attempting to learn about the intricacies of the program about the implications of all respect we've waited too long and maybe lose touch with what some of the real life problems are we go as a group that will be important for us to come out and they have a conversation with people like yourself and we hope this can be done from time to time is legal and that we do this that perhaps we will be more negative response came to the real needs of the economy
now jack as the administration once a year we have to be preoccupied a little bit like that like with two online or to implement what we want to see happen and the other idea to everyone here and the roman emperor who control the rapid inflation of the army for several months and i think we are going to make progress on those and i know on the moment at the later years and inflation
because this time we are going to have some leverage over and i hear that seventeen times editors of the nominee they would you know the outset that we recognize the indian and tomorrow in agriculture nicely into maryland writes that like we that you're more concerned we're going to recognize the returns and i think anything that we do we hope and be directed toward relieving right now the basic problem we all recognize the
problem emmeline dedicated people for many years i want you to know we have no evidence we know this is the background and that the solution is not easy it's going to be and this is why the us and its online service and if you try
and visit was only members of representatives and the consumer groups and citizen groups about the country it's not that they're upset that simply that they do not quite understand what it is that we're talking about and i think we have every opportunity to explain that and explain it actually explains the employment law i worry that we're providing our suit and the history of this country on the history of it it is true if you know when you spend your publication average person the average wage earner divide i know yeah thank you
they've ever had before sewing are by the american consumer with a lot of her strong interests in maintaining open up and maintain a stable impossible and the point of our listeners that and then i don't want to comment that we do recognize that if our market needs to be expanded into a large firms is going to have to combine sales abroad that by the nature of a lot more people of europe along the country and will be to them well but we're going to look for big increases in his appearance on projects in the country and that we are organizing the
weekend the department of years ago we are nine recognizing that it will likely by private sector with one of cooperation that we go and we aren't we doing then you make this operation there the farmers' concerns were many malnutrition collective bargaining revitalization of rural america they seldom agreed on what issues were most important to agriculture except on one farm income and on their part they were vocal and unanimous so secretary hard and sat back and listened for nearly seven hours as the people column about the problems facing american agriculture it is
as well hello there nasa the detainees
we have a net programs thought oh he's going to be doing and aspiration in the hole that these people have a better way of july when they consume a nation program over that the day it is wendy
is it idiots he now we get to the point i understand there is our country i am i gotta say it standing and reviewed mr and nine percent of the nation's fire secretary that's the plan and the money now these things rises well i
see a reservation nation reservation says they're isolated they get way out live from the metropolitan areas we don't have like a metropolitan areas are small towns sales it was really planned to get on a reservation david some and wine in people if you're given the bones vampire who always have access to is a one room he is the eu the shelves are
not their stock like so you can expect to take the food stamp line and by notion flew because they only stop at certain times of the month because they know i mean gifted painter now now approximately seventy five percent of these families were living and in most instances both the mother and father works in order to obtain enough money to support the ban the ranges the nbc together
i mean usually i'm not to be sent back home he says that when members of the family the el and amicably else i'm a happy i made it obtaining while they were there to prevent the family financial strength is now without you know so that when they get you the money that they can be used for nigeria's to replace the last photos the army taxable item in the budget that it's possible and now with bacon in place it carries their work today without him they see her
the news so did members of the family are this is some of the unspoken don't know these others got down to specifics i listen to you all will be fine my name is willie mays on my own that this has got about i am a prominent is that burden of an impulsive act there's no question i
know in agriculture the pain i am convinced that one reason why do i say it's less than two months ago mr secretary you pointed out that was needed a baby presented that way but from the big rain program because of the poor economic condition of agriculture in this you're right in for years and i commend but three hundred million dollars and substantially more no than seven o'clock and the sale of agricultural products right here with a bit over eight billion dollars we didn't include the very recent actions weber made the
decision may very well greatly reduced their proper which agriculture announced that these type of incidences as something that agriculture does not need any moral fathers can't help but wonder how long will prevail because they didn't need anymore back spending and double talk now they're beginning to launder be on getting the same treatment from a dinner party these are the reasons both the sector work on those are not going to support me or raise the market price of the same commodity is beyond anyone's can't prevent anyone who robert gates is not mr arcos right it's
been the jays this kind of action is highly unethical an unreasonable and must be stopped and while visiting today the usda have not been really telling the back to pay off a nineteen sixty seven the last two years are available the usda sent a boy russo and that prompted a fourteen point six billion dollars when he was only eight billion dollars to try and make the situation local usda included three billion dollars government than an objective fashion which maybe just the law but let's examine what else would include reached fourteen point six billion dollar
usda charged two billion four hundred and forty nine million dollars are going to the and they said this is not going to spend big ole ole ole ole and those unpaid taxes in the people will unveil what do they get over the police were like to a crowbar at seven hundred million dollars who brought let's examine what some of the roads are seventy six billion dollars of the six million dollars on ten million aged thirty eight million dollars ninety million of those fourteen million chickens eight million people and four million five million sweet potato four million bottles or million cars two million they just two million on just two million right now
the next three hundred and seventeen to bob sugar cane stalk to an eleventh hour oh cathy mr soderbergh i am ready to take a vote of this grouting you are to see how many of these people eat eat healthier that's what are really a tropical one the point we're talking about it july nineteen sixty eight usda alabama mr secretary the usda paid the farmers do not have any production costs and there are always brought promptly why these things that to non farmers know
the appointments and i don't really see that innovators and you know essentially on the part of the usda plans and the intelligence of ours in this manner is completely ridiculous and the people who are trying i should know and on this december day we have not really considered we know a collective bargaining is the only answer as really an understanding a far corner warrior at the same time we stand for any government programs only reason maintain income and that will assist our writing ever as
we believe that it is time to let them sell beside what type of program they want and the proposal and willing to preside would be paul vi was so self determination on programs that's why i come underneath each year and decide what level of support they want and would reduce according to the program they vote for if they work or ninety percent support price level they will produce only so much to meet the needs of the country if they are eighty percent support price levels they can produce more if they were over seventy percent support price levels they can produce even more and at sixty percent support price levels they can have almost unlimited about this program worked out in detail would greatly reduced government passed an employee would receive his bicycle marketplaces everyone else it's
been the point my name is seventy six thousand six hundred and forty one it is several problems enroll opportunity right here and we appreciate this
opportunity to present our views on some of the major issue i know that i cannot be are not all women so i would like to deal with the islands of trade international trade that is inflation lawyer what is it i must be greatly exceeds the needs of our domestic market and rio but recently been exploiting won a ripple on any substantial loss of our export market obviously would be a serious blow to all of agriculture export markets all the resources and how they used to but it strikes
were rejected a version of the mai mai killed and much more and this means lower prices are the provisions for iranian oil now baby if you're going through a three week we recognize that employees well this is not on the over the policy of completely free at the point in the united states so this is the key lessons in the light of a national and an expanding market and that on occasion the us plan rather than a contract international trip
and we should oppose efforts to send a trade from industrial trade and outdated on international markets to use international law industrial nations they do it in an international commodity in my opinion and as an illustrator solitude induced by poachers years later why inflation because eyes we all climb past a reason better than our rights and this of course can be well illustrated by the
indexes which were well acquainted with the interest of time i'll give them a deeper way innovation and the congress reverses denounced by inflation under control thank you having me on are going to be reductions in expenditures should have priority or continuation of the sort of surtax on additional year when there was an appeal over or the situation here has been deteriorating for years labor has become part of their wages have risen and the great boycott has arouses regarding possible boycotts so and you know who is going to grow as extension labor management relations i get older and they really an icon power of legislation did the particular conditions of it
i'm appalled to work interruptions another employer not only is income of a substantial investment in bringing an optometrist at regular relatively short period national labor relations board and its rules and procedures and subsequent findings are not designed to make the special needs of farmers and farm worker knows and procedures should be designed to meet the city and that's where i left some five specific areas we think should be a man to take the time to present them here and then they do a search we believe there is a continued made i guarantee you
additional research is needed to meet the competition isn't that extent we can't leave our competitors from engaging in research research is not responsible for circle this is an economic advantage economic incentive to produce more than the market will plant acknowledges maybe you should be our major agricultural research agency now you understand it now in this book or are
we political and these programs might farmers dependent on government payments for a substantial part of their income and government supply management problems predate lectures for international commodity we believe new legislation to replace the actor sixty five actually enacted this year relations concerning the relationship we
clearly identified you know the review visibility and the men usda tonight
it should have been at this late date that the secretary and the department of agriculture occupy a completely untenable position on the other the host of the american family farm imam instances are the department and no more successfully so each movie's really well and one man answer to that those and it's going to
be that's it the question at the end i must be made another witnesses alone in the boom and the person in good conscience to produce beyond me the family and we believe that the usda is obligated to be as us to talk about the past well
the administration we may expect to see in the family for the united states this is a job you have a job and i've certainly for those at those who demand was an inventor you'll be able to see it a processor and not accept such activity processing and answers an american activities
now the effect of creating the impression upon his vehicle in a gas line it drew farm was indeed that point in the relationship than it is effective in his own ability to produce more than a crow prime minister secretary that one really believed the united states has become far more active in the family farmer vendors that it must become a front line fighter and must fight to make a reality we'd be
done and it was something that again and again and we are so over the next week on raising the day saying their lives and then in one of the vendors he doesn't need an unchanging set a laptop or even in babies guard major legal and amenities and the same is it
the new subject to be and will buy them again of the others don't look libya and we are desperately as catwoman committed to the well i remember was an american or at as you know the rise of the galleries and again abandon the bonuses thirty eight now been through all that for twenty years it's almost those bills that a pillow what is that battle in nineteen hundred and forty nine again and thirty nine again in sixty nine and it's a little embarrassing to be in this bonus is that everybody says is this right in the last forty years with the rest of the economy of five percent or so in a year that b between sixty and seventy five cents a moment also
very sensitive to the fact that agriculture in the great debates in washington that they are over us as a loss leader and tax matters and everybody wants to get in the movement chris and smile in the movie money on the enlightenment and i'm deeply committed to the boxes at some time and i'm quite sure now that the bees in history and perhaps org and poultry have to leave the rest of agriculture out of trouble and if we can't make them i don't see how anyone can make it and we are dedicated to improving the big banners in order to help pull everybody out in the market for corn and bigger they show you a lot of export product possibilities and we know they're there and we're going to sit together but remember that ninety two percent a year ago and has consumed in the united states on all three unbeaten oh and this
is the rage the price of a movie that's ten percent and we have no problem is that other people look at problems in a commodity want to shift to happen if we have a government run we may have different neighbors and the possibility of things having people subsidize the nervousness and we know that we can and if invited to help plan the future in the event that we can bring a lot of people what we think that we can increase the market leader oh christ was involved we think that we can help the people or durable was sorting because of the falling more and we think it goes right down the line there could be that this low resting and some we don't understand in the marketplace but that was a prestige it
and that must build roads and we just hope that we can do it the way it should be done and pull everybody out that it happened we can quickly and sort of the only other troubles of agriculture and b we have to give congress on imports we don't know what it is there are some notables as a possibility or violent be venting independent curator ago that changing that means it's why don't so we've got the weight of the united states now this decision has been made on down the line in industry because every industry in the united states is leading that isn't perfect and that decision has to be made and we can present to the united
states we think that there's going to be a really really interesting as we import if we are tied down with the imports that we have a physical and we'd like to export sentiment on a small farm in a big font they have a chance to tell those drawings too is it today than my father's generation oh right
good morning you hear me we hate it
well i mean we why is that i really don't mind i enjoyed it and i
well maybe we were wrong the information it is david
we remember we do and even though the ninety minute i mean you know three that live in the automobile the animators they didn't steal in this larger than life and it hasn't
been necessary to see made doctors and people who develop ways to make the car doesn't believe me i would say it's unfortunate that more people more openly at what happened at the conference as a sentiment of rural america because of problems this year all as humanely the press and the label so you are you are chanting and you must set pattern and we ask you to help us to get yours for a price that should be
in relation to the rest of the economy at sunset little it has drawn the nation's to use it we're willing to wait at least for the time being and say what came out of washington as a result of the meat where people can express their opinion and also the department of agricultural now to find out what people are thinking and won an agricultural program and what they expect the fire perry and that their income to confirm listen listen to the thing that i had a salad there given that i write
about they are more probable indicate that in a living while iraq are employed by inflation the inflation that the patient not the injury that you and the band they are right now they are very hardened as familiar with a guy who is maybe even at the other songs that had a native american man they moved in with a farmer and is director of innovation right straight today secretary of agriculture in the man and that both of our program throughout the united states and they're a felony every opportunity to rain if secretary in there directly to the farmer and by they have they can and they may actually get back and the president of the united states and put into action program which directly affect the farm
and by the end by the years the farmer it represented here in nebraska it with eleven fate and each one of the people that are on that very hard and they're very good one idea that i feel that the lbo well worth wealth or were not magicians but we are going to try and make this a trend that we have around it's b we are really talking about it the agricultural community college and get a great deal and it's going to have to be done by those argue in your communities
you're the reason i'm sure that many people were impressed as i was by the fact that some three to five thousand fire people would take the time at the beginning of a busy spring work period too travel at their own expense here to the university of nebraska campus to attend this first listing conference call by the secretary of agriculture the general tone i have the confidence or the feeling of most of the people attending seemed to be that farm product prices are too low and something should be done about them and that if something if something could be done to increase the prices that farmers receive for their crops and livestock this would go a long way towards solving the economic problems not only on the farm families that are cell of rural communities this is obviously an oversimplified a solution to
the economic and social problems allow farm families and of the small towns and the communities in which they live throughout america but nevertheless this does indicate that farmers are deeply concerned about the recurring priced car squeeze that they've experienced since the end of world war two nearly twenty five years ago they realize that they are they have not shared fully in the prosperity that most of the rest of the nation has enjoyed it they are concerned now that the efforts to bring inflation under control will bring about an er cutback in economic activity are on some sort of a recession in which they were probably share to the fullest extent so they are concerned about the impact of the economic growth in
the nation upon now on families and the communities in which they live and r are looking for help in solving the problems that they face particularly liao of the problems of having enough people pay or net farm income so that they can live comparably to two people in our towns and cities they're also concerned about job opportunities for their children who will not be able to to well up finding out economic opportunities on the farm oh i have to look for other occupations hopefully they would like to see these young people are being able to stay closer to home rather than having to migrate to the large metropolitan congested centers the impact of this conference will of course be felt from our university campus here clear to the halls of congress specific suggestions were not made there was a sentiment that expressed for a
continuation of present farm programs are an indication that collective bargaining might be an alternative all farmers working together to control production and marketing and to increase the price of the overall other products li young lee conference i'm sure will cause not all a reappraisal not only of our off campus educational efforts here in agricultural policy but i think this is likely to be a result throughout the entire country it's bleak if beak has
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Agriculture: The Need is Now
Producing Organization
KUON (Television station : Lincoln, Neb.)
Contributing Organization
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
Thirteen WNET (New York, New York)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-75-11kh19bz).
Program Description
Vernon Ashley, coordinator of Indian affairs for the State of South Dakota - pleads for greater attention to the food problems of Indians on reservations, claiming that 84 percent in his state are on welfare through the winter months, and are unable to get adequate food supplies, even though they have stamps. Mrs. Orian Captain, nutritionist for the Omaha-Douglas Country (Nebraska) Health Department - says that hunger and "under nutrition" are widespread among low income families in her area. She says that in 75 percent of those families, both parents are working and yet the combined income doesn't cover basic needs. The food budget, being more flexible than other important items, suffers a result. Mrs. Ella B. Stackhouse, home economist for the Missouri Extension Service - stresses what she calls the importance of continuing long-range food subsidy programs. William House, president of the American National Cattlemen's Association - talks about his industry and the necessity of raising farm income in general. "Agriculture: The Need Now!" was produced for NET by KUON, its affiliate station in Lincoln, Nebraska. The program runs approximately an hour and was shot in black and white. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Media type
Moving Image
Director: Wheaton, Darrell D.
Director: Nicodemus, Ron
Director: Wheaton, Darrell D.
Director: Nicodemus, Ron
Producer: McLaughlin, John
Producer: Fowler, Joel P.
Producer: McLaughlin, John
Producer: Fowler, Joel P.
Producing Organization: KUON (Television station : Lincoln, Neb.)
Speaker: Stackhouse, Ella B.
Speaker: Captain, Orian
Speaker: Ashley, Vernon
Speaker: House, William
Speaker: Ashley, Vernon
Speaker: Stackhouse, Ella B.
Speaker: House, William
Speaker: Captain, Orian
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-9de5fba69d6 (Filename)
Format: 1 inch videotape: SMPTE Type C
Generation: Master
Color: B&W
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c2e06d22a91 (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape: Quad
Duration: 00:58:48
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-bbe9ced49cb (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape: Quad
Generation: Master
Color: B&W
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-dab1c15a0c5 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: B&W
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-4df2305bd38 (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape: Quad
Generation: Master
Color: B&W
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-3403af2597e (Filename)
Format: 1 inch videotape: SMPTE Type C
Generation: Master
Color: B&W
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-9b828417800 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: B&W
Thirteen - New York Public Media (WNET)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-1bd4d624ac9 (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape: Quad
Duration: 00:58:48

Identifier: cpb-aacip-37b869a8d2c (unknown)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:59:23
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Agriculture: The Need is Now,” 1961-04-28, Library of Congress, Thirteen WNET, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 16, 2024,
MLA: “Agriculture: The Need is Now.” 1961-04-28. Library of Congress, Thirteen WNET, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Agriculture: The Need is Now. Boston, MA: Library of Congress, Thirteen WNET, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from